Research & Thesis / Cities’ Soft Power & Foreign Direct Investments.

Economics — Geoeconomics — Urbanism — City Branding — Smart Cities — Soft Power — FDIs — Public Diplomacy — Urban Strategies.




What is the multi-localism era? What makes global cities attracting talents/resources? How city brand management and marketing could influence investments? What’s the role of second-tier cities and last but not least:  

How the underpinning attributes of the Milanese soft power do influence FDIs’ motives of companies and investors?


Case Study: Joseph Nye - Soft Power, the role of culture in companies’ foreign markets penetration. Nba, Harvard, Microsoft, and further US entities, are attributed a positive “halo effect” on American-related goods exports fueling international consumer demand.

Chinese user streaming an Nba match through an Iphone, 2017.

Chinese user streaming an Nba match, 2017.


European Soft Power: Estonia, bridging the gap with tech. Despite the relatively stagnant growth between 2015-2020, according to the DESI report, Estonia sits amongst the most digitalized European nations thanks to a series of heavy tech-driven investments started in the 90s.

Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2020

The currently dubbed “E-stonia” has bootstrapped itself out of a no-future perspective leading the way towards a digital-first society, shaping the path for Tallin to become an international hub for start-ups, also worldwide recognized for its cybersecurity know-how besides E-governance score.


Non-state actors

Companies, NGOs, Individuals, Public institutions: rising synergies driving the change. From FIFA Women’s World Cup 2019 turning into the beacon of gender equality, the rise of activism rooted in young social movements such as #Fridayforfuture or BlackLivesMatter, the dawn of mutual collaboration bringing civic actors to the forefront has yet to come.

BLM protest in Milan, 2020.

BLM protest in Milan, 2020.

Urban Dynamics

Urban socio-economic development frameworks, IoT, data collection, urban analytics, circular economies, what is the new smart city paradigm?

Daito Manabe 真鍋 大度 - Squarepusher “Terminal Slam”, Tokyo, 2020.

Daito Manabe 真鍋 大度 - Squarepusher “Terminal Slam”, Tokyo, 2020.


In conclusion, the research and thesis aim to deepen the understanding of city branding/city marketing mean in relation to the talents as well as business appeal translated in (inflows) Foreign Direct Investments, with a novel approach that shift concepts prior only related to a national level to a more city/urban conglomerate.

By a literature collection spanning from a wide range of domains, a framework to disentangle the underpinning relevant city attributes has been laid out. A special case has been crafted for the city of Milan.

Having said so, the key learnings can be applied/tested/compared to any urban center.



Nye Jr. J.S., “Soft power: the means to success in world politics”, New York, Public Affairs, 2004. 

Sitography & Papers

Armondi, Simonetta, and Antonella Bruzzese. “Contemporary Production and Urban Change: The Case of Milan.” Journal of Urban Technology 24, no. 

Bank, Asian Development. Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2017: Transcending the Middle-Income Challenge. Asian Development Bank, 2017.


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