May We Live In Quarantine Times
Content Editor — Podcasting — Live Streaming
#MWLIQT is a live web series/podcasts dealing with technology, culture, and broad aspects of today's society: from edgy start-ups to streetwear communities, all the episodes involve guests able to go beyond the unseen, giving their perspective on uncommon, or pretty mainstream topics while unleashing a varied spectrum of thoughts.
Written & produced by me, Tim, and co-hosted by Caterina Mariotti.

• Sapir-Whorf Theory w/ Andrea Busi and Stefano Fiori.
• The role of subtitles for educational purposes w/ Camilla De Riso.
• What does it mean “skateboard community”? w/ Acrminal G shop (Giorgio Oreglia).
• The live European music business during and after a global pandemic w/ Federico Rasetti.
• Semiotics: a tool to unravel signs processes in videoclips & more w/ Carlotta Magistris.
• Spatial Revolution & Media Lab: a conversation towards urban regenerative, and regenerative practices w/ Filippo LaFleur.
#MWLIQT has been produced for a local Italian media platform (Radio Quarantenna), therefore all the episodes have been held in Italian. This was meant to be a one and only since the beginning, though I’m working on some new stuff.